Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction
    • Regional Heritage Food is a private company incorporated under the laws of Pakistan.
    • Regional Heritage Food provides its services including information regarding famous food spots, heritage food, highway food, chef corner, daily health tips and major attractions.
    • Your use of Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services is governed by the terms and conditions and the documents included in this document of T&Cs.
    • In these T&Cs, clients who issue Regional Heritage Food Invitations are alluded to as "Hosts" and clients who acknowledge those solicitations are alluded as "Visitors". A solitary client might be either a Host or a Guest corresponding to various Hosted Events.
    • Unless Regional Heritage Food expressly agrees to the contrary in writing, all your dealings with Regional Heritage Food will be according to the terms of these T & Cs. You are bound to follow all terms and conditions when you use Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • The terms and conditions may be updated from time to time. These updates will be posted on the website of Regional Heritage Food. Furthermore, we will try to bring it in the knowledge of our registered users by notifying them. However, it’s the responsibility of the users that they will check the current T&Cs from time to time. If the updated T&Cs are unacceptable for you, you can stop using Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • You may not use Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services if you don’t agree with the current T&Cs.
  1. Registration
  • Only registered user can post the content on the Regional Heritage Food Website. They can issue or accept the Regional Heritage Food Invitations. Unregistered visitors may view the Regional Heritage Food Website. Registered users are identified on the website through their first name, city and the country and Regional Heritage Food can rate or rank the registered users. Being a registered user, you will use Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services in accordance with the lawful aspects.
  • You acknowledge and agree that, by accessing or using the Regional Heritage Food Website or Regional Heritage Food Services or by downloading or posting any content to or from the Regional Heritage Food Website, you are indicating that you have read, and that you understand and agree to be bound by these T&Cs. In case, if you agree to these terms and conditions on behalf of some other legal entity or a company, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that company or other legal entity to these T&Cs and, in such event, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that company or other legal entity.
  • Being a guest or a host, you will take care of the aspect of following all terms and conditions. If you want to cancel your registration, you can do it any time by following the instructions of Regional Heritage Food Website. If you cancel your registration, we shall delete all personally identifiable information to the extent required to comply with applicable laws. You accept and agree that we can end the registration of any user, at any time.
  • You agree to give your accurate information during the registration process. You will complete the registration process with honesty. The information given by you will be up-to-date. Only one registration can be maintained by you. You may not register on behalf of another individual. Your registration will not be transferred or sold without the prior written agreement of Regional Heritage Food. You accept that you will not disclose your login details including your password to anyone.
  • When you register on Regional Heritage Food, you agree that Regional Heritage Food can request different reports including consumer and credit rating. If Regional Heritage Food requests for any such report, it will be used in accordance with the applicable law.
  • If you link your registration with an accepted third-party social networking site or service, the terms will be applicable on you and that third party, and will not result in Regional Heritage Food incurring any obligations or liabilities.
  1. Our content and your use of the Regional Heritage Food Website
  • All the elements generated by Regional Heritage Food belong to Regional Heritage Food, except the content generated by the registered users.
  • Other than the content that has been generated by the registered users, all other elements belong to Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services.
  • You accept and agree that you have no right of doing anything to any part of Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services except to view the content and use the facilities of the communication while promoting or arranging the hosted events.
  • You agree that you have no right to publish, copy, distribute or reproduce any part of Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services without the prior written agreement of Regional Heritage Food.
  • You agree that you will not:
    • Use any backdoor, software or any way to scrape or crawl any webpage or related sites that Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services contain.
    • Access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of any of the Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services or the technical delivery systems of Regional Heritage Food’s partners.
    • Attempt to probe any weak element of Regional Heritage Food Website, Regional Heritage Food Services or the measures of authentication.
    • Damage, overload or try to disable any element of Regional Heritage Food Website or any other website, any electronic communication or application.
    • Broadcast any sort of element that contains any file or virus to damage or interrupt the software or any other element including communication equipment.
    • Use Regional Heritage Food Website or Regional Heritage Food Services (i) to use or expose any content that is not displayed publically in the search results of Regional Heritage Food or the listing pages before an invitation of Regional Heritage Food is accepted, (ii) in any way that is not convenient with the terms and consistent of Regional Heritage Food or any other policy that is adopted by Regional Heritage Food, (iii) in any way that can interrupt or violate the rights or privacy of any Regional Heritage Food user or any other third party.
    • Copy or access any information including Regional Heritage Food trademark, logo or other proprietary information. Similarly, use the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page in the Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services, without Regional Heritage Food’s express written consent.
    • Interfere or damage Regional Heritage Food Website or Regional Heritage Food Services by using cancel-bots, viruses’ Trojan horses, flood pings, harmful codes or any other damaging source. Use backdoors, packet or IP spoofing, forged routing or electronic mail address information or similar methods or technology. Other than Regional Heritage Food Invitations, interfere Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services in connection with the distribution of unsolicited emails or advertisements.
    • Stalk any user of Regional Heritage Food or collect any personally identifiable information of users except the purpose of transacting as a Guest or a Host.
    • Contact any Regional Heritage Food user other than contacting about Regional Heritage Food Invitation.
    • Remove, bypass or avoid any technological measure implemented by Regional Heritage Food or any of Regional Heritage Food’s providers or any other third party to protect Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services. Build any TCP/IP packet header in any way to use any part of Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • Assist or encourage any third party to do any of the above mentioned aspects.
  • You agree not to alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights notices that have been incorporated in or accompanying the Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services or other secondary documentation. Except the permitted T&Cs, you agree not to use, copy, distribute or adapt Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services. Only the rights expressly granted in these T&Cs are considered as yours. No licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by Regional Heritage Food or its licensors.
  1. Your Content
    • Registered users may post the content on Regional Heritage Food Website. Anything that the user posts on Regional Heritage Food Website, will be in accordance with these T&Cs. Unless it is required to do so, Regional Heritage Food’s policy is not to edit or moderate Your Content. You agree that if you link your RHD registration with any third party, that third party may exchange the information and you will be considered for this as the result of the accounts being linked.
    • For all the content of yours on Regional Heritage Food Website, you are responsible and you agree that:
      • You will not publish any false content.
      • Other than Regional Heritage Food Invitations, you will not use Regional Heritage Food website or Regional Heritage Food services to offer any type of services or products.
      • You will not post anything that violates a third party’s privacy rights, copyright, trademark or any intellectual property rights or violate any applicable law or regulation or would give rise to civil or criminal liability or might be expected to incite any anti-social behavior.
      • You will not post anything that is misleading or fraudulent (directly or by omission or failure to update information). Similarly, you will not upload anything that is abusive, vulgar, threatening, harmful or found offensive to any reasonable individual or entity. Furthermore, the things you post will not be racist, prejudicially intolerant or harmful towards any individual or a group.
      • Your content will not use any image that you do not own or that depicts any identifiable person who has not given the permission to post that image. If the image has been taken at a Hosted Event, the relevant Host has consented to you publishing the image.
      • You will not use Regional Heritage Food Website or Regional Heritage Food Services to post or distribute any information relating to any other person or entity without his or her prior permission. You will not misrepresent yourself or your affiliation with any person or entity.
      • All Your Content may be made public and associated with you.
      • Regional Heritage Food is under no obligation to publish or store your content. Furthermore, Regional Heritage Food can delete your content at any time without prior notice from any part of Regional Heritage Food website.
      • You are the owner as well as responsible for your content, nothing can operate to transfer Regional Heritage Food to transfer any intellectual property rights to you.
      • Regional Heritage Food can edit, translate or deal with your content when it’s considered appropriate.
      • Regional Heritage Food may use your content or the information that Regional Heritage Food learns About you in order to communicate with you or to implement and refine marketing campaigns and to promote Regional Heritage Food’s Services generally.
      • You will not assist or encourage any third party to do anything that has been mentioned above.
    • You agree that your profile picture is your honest representation and it does not violate the intellectual property rights belonging to a third party. You agree that you authorize Regional Heritage Food to use your image.
    • By accepting these terms and conditions, you give non-exclusive and royalty-free license to Regional Heritage Food to use, copy, translate, access or broadcast your content that may include promoting or marketing the Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • Regional Heritage Food will remove your content from its website upon your request. One thing should be clear that the request your made will be through your registered account. You made the request and confirmed it in a recorded delivery letter with signed proof of receipt that includes all the sufficient details of your identity as well as the part of your content that you want to remove.
    • Regional Heritage Food may provide the links to other services, applications and website, but Regional Heritage Food gives no guarantee or confirmation to the reliability of any such website, service publication or application and when you agree with these T&Cs, you agree that Regional Heritage Food is not responsible for the content of websites linked on our site.
  1. Data
    • When you accept these T&Cs, you agree that Regional Heritage Food may analyze, use and sell the resulting information, acquired by analyzing your use of Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • Regional Heritage Food will ensure that unless you agree to the contrary, your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties except to the extent required to undertake reasonable verification, necessary to operate the Regional Heritage Food Website.
    • You agree that Regional Heritage Food can store, transfer or disclose the data that is related to you or your transactions as well as the personally identifiable information to any relevant tax or other governmental or competent regulatory or law enforcement authority or agency that claims to be entitled to such information.
    • To the extent required by applicable law, Regional Heritage Food (on request of the relevant registered user) will delete the information that is personal to that user. However, the data obtained by previous interaction with Regional Heritage Food may be kept, provided that the data cannot be linked to any individual person.
    • Regional Heritage Food has the right of marketing the results of the automatic data handling.
    • You will not create any false impression by acting on behalf of or for the benefit of Regional Heritage Food, including the inappropriate use of any Regional Heritage Food intellectual property.
  1. Hosted Events
    • The online platform by Regional Heritage Food Websites and Regional Heritage Food Services is enables the Hosts to create Regional Heritage Food Invitations for the purpose of Hosted Events. Similarly, this platform is for the Guests, through which they can learn more and book the Hosted Events with the Hosts directly. By accepting the terms and conditions, you accept that Regional Heritage Food is not a party involved between Hosts and the Guests. You accept that there is no control of Regional Heritage Food over Hosts and Guests, other users of the Regional Heritage Food Website and Regional Heritage Food Services or other facilitating Hosting Events.
    • Regional Heritage Food is not responsible for any damage caused by your interaction with the other users of Regional Heritage Food Website or Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • By accepting these terms and conditions, you are bound to all the applicable laws applied to any Hosted Event.
    • You agree that Regional Heritage Food will not be responsible for any type of representation that has been occurred in a Regional Heritage Food Invitation. Similarly, Regional Heritage Food will not be responsible if the Hosted event does not go smoothly, if it’s unsatisfactory or it’s not done as per the advertisement.
  1. Exclusions and limitations to Regional Heritage Food’s responsibility and liability
    • When you accept these terms and conditions, you agree that accepting a Regional Heritage Food Invitation, you do not create any relationship with Regional Heritage Food as expressly provided in these T&Cs. Regional Heritage Food does not control your Regional Heritage Food Invitation, any offline activity that is associated with this invitation any other matte related to thus invitation that you publish.
    • Being a registered user, you are required to provide the accurate and honest information about yourself. You will post the accurate and reliable content to Regional Heritage Food Websites and will not make any fraudulent or incorrect statement. You accept that Regional Heritage Food and its partners may request an identity verification from you and they can use the available resources to verify your identity. They can do it to avoid any improper use of Regional Heritage Food Website, to undertake a regulatory check and other services. Furthermore, by accepting these T&Cs, you accept that Regional Heritage Food does not guarantee the accuracy of any content made or provided by the user.
    • Up to the permitted Law, Regional Heritage Food won't be obligated to any client for any misfortune or harm, regardless of whether in agreement, misdeed (counting carelessness), break of legal obligation, or in any case, regardless of whether predictable, emerging under or regarding:
    • Use of Regional Heritage Food Website or Services, or dependency or use of the content displayed on Regional Food Website or Services,
    • Regional Heritage Food won't be responsible for any loss or harm brought about by any virus, dispersed denial-of-service attack, or other innovatively unsafe material that might contaminate your computer programs or equipment, information or other exclusive material because of your utilization of our webpage or to your downloading of any content that it carries or on any site that has been linked to it.
    • You agree that Regional Heritage Food has no responsibility over any general or specific failure or interruption in any service or deletion of any information provided on or by Regional Heritage Food Website or Regional Heritage Food Services.
    • In these terms and conditions, there is no as such thing that can restrict our responsibility for any personal injury or death caused by out fraud or negligence or any such responsibility that cannot be excluded as per the law.
    • You accept that if you choose Regional Heritage Food or Regional Heritage Food Services for any agreement with another person (whether in your capacity as a Guest or as a Host), you will have an agreement that may be comprised the terms and conditions on which the Regional Heritage Food Invitation is offered and accepted. You agree that you are responsible for any such agreement with a third party. You will have all the liabilities related to any such agreement.77 Regional Heritage Food will not be responsible for it. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that Regional Heritage Food is not a party in any agreement that you make with any third party (whether as Guests, Hosts, agents or in any other capacity).
  1. Cancellation and suspension
    • You can end your registration at any time by sending as an email from your registered email to support@rhfpakistan.com
    • You agree that Regional Heritage Food has the right to terminate your registration at any time by sending you a notice to your registered email address via an email.
    • If your registration is canceled, all the Hosted Events in respect of which you have issued or accepted Regional Heritage Food Invitation
  1. Miscellaneous 
    • You declare that you are a person over 18 years of age and/or having the legal capacity to enter into a contract.
    • Some elements of Regional Heritage Food include Google Maps/Earth mapping services, including Google Maps API(s). You agree that your use of Google Maps/Earth follows Google’s terms of use.
    • If you find any content of Regional Heritage Food Website that you think can be against these terms and conditions, please inform us by sending an email to support@rhfpakistan.com It will be helpful if you send us the details of the content, information regarding location of the content on Regional Heritage Food Website, your contact information (full name, postal address, telephone number, email address and, where applicable, the name of the body on whose behalf you are contacting us, its postal address, its registration number), and a statement, where applicable, that you are the owner of intellectual property rights or rights to an image or to the person concerned or authorized to act in the name of the owner.
    • You agree that Regional Heritage Food can store your information on your electronic devices in the form of “cookies” as well as other programs and devices. The purpose is the smooth functioning of Regional Heritage Food Website. You agree that if you do not allow the placement of “cookies” on your device, it may affect your use of Regional Heritage Food Website. You agree that Regional Heritage Food may also store your personal information on computers and servers. You agree that Regional Heritage Food Website can store or disclose this information when it’s required by the law for a legal procedure.
    • Reference of certain aspects in these T&Cs:
      • The term a “person” or “corporation” includes the reference of all legal or natural persons, trusts, partnerships, any local or government authority and departments as well as other associations.
      • The singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
      • Where a gender is mentioned, it shows all genders including feminine, masculine and neuter.
    • Under these terms and conditions, any delay or failure by Regional Heritage Food to use any right will not be considered as giving up that right. Furthermore, partially using any right will not prevent the further exercise of that right or remedy. In these terms and conditions, the provided rights and remedies are These are not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
    • These terms and conditions and the documents referred to in these T&Cs are the part of the whole agreement between you and Regional Heritage Food.
    • If any service under these terms and conditions is invalid or somehow illegal, according to the law, no matter as a part or as a whole, it won’t be considered as a part of these terms and conditions, and the workability of the remaining part of these T&Cs will not be affected.

For the purpose of communication, Regional Heritage Food can communicate with you by sending you an email to your registered email address. It needs a proof that the email was sent, but it’s not responsible either you have received the email or not.


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